Flo King BX L5000 8 Filter Pump
The BXL5000 is designed for tanks where overhead clearance is a problem. The motor is inverted and positioned outside the tank, taking up only 2″ (5 cm) of space above the tank. The unit provides a maximum flow rate of 5000 gallons (19,000 liters) per hour. Use it stationary on one tank or move it from tank to tank.This model has abody length 8″.
The BXL5000 comes complete, preassembled, ready to operate and includes the items shown in the labeled photo (right). For best results in most metal finishing solutions, use the BXL5000 with our Permacore Magnum (PMCA) reusable or FK50
Poly-Spun Disposable filter cartridges in the appropriate length.
BXL5000 Specifications
Pump: All-CPVC or polypropylene construction with Teflon-covered stainless steel shaft. Pump also available, on special-order basis, in PVDF (Kynar) or stainless steel.
Flow Rate: 5000 gallons (19,000 liters) per hour at 60 Hz. A flow-rate reduction of about 18% is typical when operating at 50 Hz.
Pressure: 27 feet (8.2 meters) of head pressure.
Weight: About 29 pounds (13 kg), depending on pump body length
Motor: Epoxy coated, TEFC, Thermally Protected. Available in single phase, 3/4 HP (560 watt), 120/240 V, 11.0/5.5 A, 50/60 HZ, 2800/3000 RPM; or three phase, 1 HP (760 watt), 220/460 V, 3.0/1.5 A, 60 HZ, 2850/3450 RPM.
Important: To ensure priming and proper operation, solution should be 4″ (8 cm) or more above Weep Hole on pump body. Specify length of pump body when ordering. Also, width of tank lip or flange must be less than 6″ (15 cm) due to fixed space between BXL5000 pump body and motor.