This Hull Cell Kit is complete and includes the cell, digital thermostat with RTD, heat and integrated air sparger.
Labstat V2 PSC PE System Complete – Ordinary hull cells provide a temperature variation of +/- 10 deg F. The Labstat V2 PSC Thermostat can provide a temperature variation of +/- 2 deg F. If your process solutions are held to a high level of accuracy why shouldn’t your laboratory solutions be held to the same standards? By plugging the power supply into the Labstat PSC Thermostat (Power Supply Control) the user can control the duration of the test with the thermostat’s timer.
The Labstat V2 PSC PE comprises a very safe and versatile laboratory solution heating system. The system uses a variable power heater, which reduces its output when the temperature of the heater becomes excessive, effectively shutting the heater off.
It’s common practice to use one cell for each different solution to prevent contamination of the solution being tested. Since the Labstat V2 Plating Test Cell (PTC) does not have an integral thermostat several cells can be used with one Labstat V2 PSC Thermostat saving money by requiring a less expensive cell. Ordinary Hull Cells are either used at a reduced capacity or discarded when the selfcontained thermostat fails; with the Labstat V2 System each component can be either replaced or repaired. It’s not uncommon to see a graveyard of Hull cells that no one uses nor wants to throw away.
The Labstat V2 PE is designed as a universal PTC; it will accommodate any plating solution that requires heat or air or none. It may seem like overkill to have heat and air in every cell but as times change so do the requirements for plating test cells, in the future you may want to use the cell for some other solution. The Labstat V2 PE PTC can be cleaned easily by removing the air chamber plug and heater for thorough rinsing. If needed it can be soaked clean/leached and then used for new requirements.
The Labstat V2 PE PTC is a solid block of polyethylene, machined with precision; it will withstand almost any plating solution. It won’t leak at the seams (because there are none) and it won’t crack.
With an ordinary hull cell too much time and effort goes into checking and adjusting the temperature, not only before the testing begins but also during the test. The Labstat V2 System eliminates the constant checking and re-checking of the temperature and allows the technician to do something else while the test is running, imagine that!