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Purtrex 3 micron Cartridge Filter (Case of 40)

SKU 205 Category


Purtrex3 micron – 10 in. PolyproDepth Cartridge
Price per case of 40 cartridges

Purtrex depth filter is an exceptional value for general applications where long life, high purity and low change-out frequency are required.

Features and Benefits
The Purtrex depth filter is an exceptional value for general applications where long life, high purity and low change-out frequency are required. Produced through GE Osmonics patented melt blown microfiber technology, Purtrex is a 100% pure polypropylene depth filter with exceptional dirt-holding capacity. Purtrex true-graded density filter matrix (lower density at the surface of the filter with progressively higher density toward the center) captures particles throughout the entire filter depth. This translates to longer life and fewer change-outs than existing string-wound or resin-bonded filters. Purtrex contains no wetting agents, solvents, antistatic agents or binders, and meets the requirements of the FDA for food and beverage contact. The filter incinerates to trace ash for easy disposal.

Materials of Construction
Filtration Media…………………………..Polyproplyene
Endcaps and Adapters ………………Polyproplyene

Product and Ordering Dimensions
Nominal Outside Diameter 2.50 inch (6.4 cm)
Nominal Inside Diameter 1 inch (2.5 cm)

Additional Information
Purtrex Depth cartridge filters are made from thermally bonded fibers of polypropylene. GE Osmonics certifies that it uses no resin binders, lubricants, antistatic or release agents or other additives in the manufacture of these cartridges, and that the resin used for manufacturing the filter media meets the food contact requirements of the U.S. FDA 21 CFR regulations. When required, specify only FDA compliant sealing materials and end adapters. GE Osmonics filter cartridges are designed and manufactured for resistance to a wide range of chemical solutions. Conditions will vary with each application and users should carefully verify chemical compatibility. Please for more information.

Due to extremely high demand this product is on back order and will ship 3-4 weeks after order.

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